The Dr. Vibe Show™

Robb Kelly, PhD is a renowned addiction consultant who believes in treating the problem of addiction, not the symptoms. He has worked for many years helping addicts and alcoholics to recover their lives from the disease of addiction. Based on his own experiences working with addicts and alcoholics over the last 20 years, a PhD in Psychology from Oxford University and as a recovered alcoholic himself – he is a triple threat against the disease of addiction. Dr. Kelly was the CEO of a thriving telecommunications company when the walls came crashing down on him due to alcoholism. He ended up homeless and broken on the streets of Manchester, England until he found the courage to save himself.

He has lectured on the subject of addiction at many high-profile universities, national conferences, public schools, churches, business organizations and hospitals, and is recognized as a leading authority on addiction recovery methods that are changing lives all around the world. Dr. Kelly is currently the CEO of the Robb Kelly Recovery Group, an addiction recovery coaching company he created based on extensive research and behaviour studies that he conducted over the last 20 years. Dr. Kelly’s methods may seem unconventional leading some people to refer to him as “The Gordon Ramsay of the Addiction World” because of his direct, no-nonsense, and candid approach to treating addiction. Dr. Kelly works to “make the road of recovery less of a mystery tour.”

A sought-after recovery expert, Dr. Kelly has appeared on such shows as The DoctorsEye OpenerGood Morning Texas, and Kens5 morning news. A sample of radio and print interviews include The Jim Bohannon ShowMiracles in Recovery, and USA Today. Dr. Kelly hosted Sober Celebs show on KLIF radio in Dallas, and currently hosts the Recovery Channel podcast featuring special guest discussing a variety of mental health issues. Instructor/speaker for Let’s Get Back to 98% Recovery DVD’s used in prisons and recovery treatment centers throughout the US. Dr. Kelly shares his personal highs and lows as he struggled and overcame crippling alcoholism in the November 2019 release of the book Daddy, Daddy Please Stop Drinking.

Recently, Dr. Kelly was live on our show.

During our conversation, Dr. Kelly talked about:

– Growing up in Manchester as a lower class family
– Alcoholism running in the family which affected him at a young age
– Losing his family and children due to his alcohol addiction which resulted in him
being homeless for 14 months
– The difference between alcoholism and drug addiction
– The lowest point and how he bounced back from alcoholism
– His not-for-profit book titled Daddy, Daddy Please Stop Drinking
– The journey he was on when he moved to America
– How his company financially aids and supports families in crisis
– The way the pandemic and isolation has affected people’s mental health and
contributed to the rise in alcohol and drug abuse
– His organization The Robb Kelly Recovery Group and how they provide guidance and support to those in need

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
2020 Podcast News Award Winner – Canadian Ethnic Media Association
2018 Innovation Award Winner – Canadian Ethnic Media Association
The Dr. Vibe Show™ At “The Good Men Project”
One of the first Brand Ambassador’s – Cuisine Noir Magazine
Dr. Vibe – Producer And Co-host of Black Men Talking On WJMS Radio
Dr. Vibe on HuffPost Live – August 2, 2013
2013 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2012 Black Weblog Awards Winner (Best International Blog)
2012 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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