Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

The resurgence of the suburbs is yet another of Jason’s predictions coming true. Jason shares a recording of the Wall Street Journal article as proof. Then, Cal Newport details the current distraction epidemic caused by our smartphones and social media accounts. Cal believes corporations have us just where they want us by making us addicted to apps and programs which feed us non-stop advertisements and shape our buying habits. He discusses his books, Deep Work and So Good They Can’t Ignore You while offering strategies designed to break your addiction.


Cal Newport is a Professor of Computer Science at Georgetown University.

Key Takeaways:

[4:23] Jason’s prediction about the resurgence of the suburbs is coming true.

[9:45] Applying business ethics in politics doesn’t always work.

[11:05] A recording of the WSJ article about the migration of the US population.


Cal Newport Guest Interview:

[17:42] Cal explains the foundation for his two popular books.

[19:33] Modern digital handheld devices offer a true test of a person’s ability to focus.

[24:03] Measuring the impact of your digital behavior to make a bigger impact.

[26:30] How to break the addiction of digital devices.

[32:01] Developing a Deep Work habit.

[37:41] The distinction between productivity and true productivity.

[39:02] Apps and strategies for people who need to maintain connections but also want to focus.

[41:48] The title So Good They Can’t Ignore You was inspired by Steve Martin.

[46:22] Social Media doesn’t add much profit to your business unless your business is social media.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Real Estate Tools

Jason Hartman University

Cal Newport

Deep Work by Cal Newport

So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport

“Look Up” Video on YouTube

Freedom App