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Oct 26, 2017

On this week’s show we invited a panel of Enneagram Fives into the studio to describe how they see and experience the world. Called the Investigators, or the Observers, Fives are kind, perceptive, sensitive, calm in a crisis and often possess a sly, slightly cynical sense of humor that’s endlessly entertaining.


Oct 17, 2017

I think there are truths which reveal the limitations of human language. And when this happens we have to rely on artists to express these great spiritual insights through an alternative language--like music or film or the visual arts or dance--to say clearly what the rest of us only feel vaguely.  So, when I heard Ryan...

Oct 12, 2017

On last week’s episode of Typology, I had an amazing conversation with my friend, Fr. Richard Rohr, renowned Enneagram expert and Franciscan Priest, and Executive Director for the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  We discussed the difference between the true-self and the false-self and...

Oct 5, 2017

I first encountered the Enneagram when I was a graduate student at a conservative seminary. While on a weekend retreat I came across a copy of Fr. Richard Rohr’s book, Discovering The Enneagram: An Ancient Tool for a New Spiritual Journey. In that book Richard describes the traits and the underlying compulsions of...