Jan 25, 2018
Enneagram Twos are part of the shame triad which, for those who are just getting started with the Enneagram, means that ‘shame’ is the go-to emotion for Twos, Threes, and Fours. Whatever the external manifestation is of—our struggle, our compulsion, our presenting problem, anger, alcohol, buying stuff that you...
Jan 17, 2018
Known as The Helper, or as Michael Cusick prefers to call them, The Giver, Twos can be really great therapists and are maybe the most natural to move into that field, but there's also a lot of things about being a Two that work against that. Twos can care too much for the wrong reasons. Twos are so wired and attuned to...
Jan 11, 2018
Healthy Eights are great friends, exceptional leaders and champions of those who cannot fight on their own behalf. They have the intelligence, courage and stamina to do what others say can’t be done. And, as with most Enneagram Eights, Jo Saxton is full of Eight's life-giving energy so when she was available for our...
Jan 4, 2018
"Compassion is a verb." - Thich Nhat Hanh
The Enneagram helps us recognize and overcome self-defeating patterns of behavior by challenging us to bravely explore who we really are. As we grow in self-awareness we pave the way for our wiser and more compassionate self. Instead of banging guardrail-to-guardrail through...