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Aug 30, 2018

The Enneagram is a great tool for discovering why we feel the way we feel, act the way we act, and think the way we think.  For Fives, who are unconsciously motivated by Avarice (or Greed), the Enneagram can help identify when fear begins to take over and they are operating with a perpetual scarcity mentality. ...

Aug 23, 2018

Sixes have excellent analytical minds, are great strategists, troubleshooters, problem-solvers, and of course, see worst-case scenarios that other people don't see. The passion of the Six is fear which is often experienced as anxiety…anxiety that the unexpected could happen at any time. Sixes are really good at...

Aug 15, 2018

When you truly begin doing your work, the Enneagram really should mess with you. It should dis-equilibrate you, throw you back on your heals, make you wonder, "Who am I? Who is everybody else? What am I supposed to do now?

This week we're back with part 2 of Claire Diaz-Ortiz's interview revealing how her research into...

Aug 9, 2018

Welcome back to Season 2 of Typology.  I'm thrilled to continue Season Two with a really great friend who I've known for many years, Aaron Niequist.

Though Aaron is a four on the Enneagram, we're actually going to explore some new territory today. We're going to go into some content that'll be great for every single...

Aug 2, 2018

Claire Diaz-Ortiz first discovered the Enneagram in 2005 and typed herself as an Enneagram One. When Ian first interviewed Claire in Season One, she came onto the show sharing her life through the lens of a One.  But the more she and Ian dug into her narrative, the more Ian began to sense there was more to Claire's...