Nov 29, 2018
Whether there’s a three in your life or you are a three yourself, you’re probably aware that threes are not naturally self-reflective. They tend to be externally focused rather than internally focused. The big message that threes receive growing up is that it's not okay to have your own feelings and identity, so...
Nov 15, 2018
Eights are motivated by a powerful need to be strong and, when unhealthy, can have a hard time lowering their guard in fear of appearing weak or vulnerable. Healthy Eights understand that there is strength and power in vulnerability. Yes, it takes courage to risk vulnerability. But if Eights want to love and be loved...
Nov 8, 2018
Last week, StoryBrand's Don Miller joined Ian to discuss the importance of directing your own story. Tune in today as the conversation turns toward understanding how each Enneagram type tends to lead and how that can impact the broader culture of a workplace.
About Don Miller:
Donald Miller is the CEO of StoryBrand,...
Nov 1, 2018
The Enneagram is not just meant to help people understand themselves and then do nothing about it. Rather it is a tool for fostering deep, inner work. In order to make lasting changes in your life, you need to know the story and themes that run beneath the surface. The Enneagram reveals what story you are...