Nov 28, 2018
If you're like me you expect a lot from your team and you want people working for you who are exceptional in their positions. If you have a strategic planning system in place and there's clear communication so your team can feel like they're winning, the best people that you have today are going to stick around. Early on in my career, I was so single-minded on success that there was collateral damage all over the place. It took me a long time to realize that if you hurt your team, you hurt their family and that's where they're going to fall apart. If you have really good people working for you, they don't just leave work at work. They take home the conversations, the frustration, and the overwhelm. If you want to understand how to keep A-players on your team long term, get their discretionary effort, and have the full support of their spouse and family. You have to do the right things in your business.