May 30, 2019
When we’re triggered, our communication will usually cost us. When you feel emotional, you’re likely to make irrational decisions. You simply aren’t yourself, and responding immediately will only hurt you. When you’re triggered and feel the urgency to reply, back down. Instead, use strategy and finesse when you’re communicating with others, it will change everything.
Here are three key steps to help you avoid getting triggered:
Having a morning routine, lowering pressure noise, and having clarity as to what your outcomes are will make you less reactive and help you get better at everything you do. Commit to these steps for a few days and let us know how it’s impacted your life!
When you’re ready, here are a few ways my team and I can help scale your business:
1. Grab a free copy of my book: The Entrepreneurial Personality Type.
This book will show you why, as an entrepreneur, there is nothing wrong with you, and how you’re not alone. We are the few who dare to dream of a better future and go into the world, insisting it become a reality.
2. Take our free Momentum Masterclass.
In this free training, you’ll learn how to eliminate pressure and noise, how planning systems play a massive role in your success, and the keystone habits every entrepreneur needs to develop.
3. Join our Billionaire Code Facebook Group.
Come hang out in our Facebook group of over 2,000+ members where we regularly share about team building and company growth.
4. Subscribe to the Momentum Podcast.
The Momentum Podcast will walk you through the importance of building a team, scaling companies, and ultimately, making your greatest contribution to the world.
5. Join one of our programs and work with me and my team.
If you’d like to work directly with me and my team, to take you from where you are today to a place where there are consistent growth and scale, head on over to and we’ll send over some details to get you started.