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Momentum for the Entrepreneurial Personality Type (EPT)

Nov 2, 2021

Yesterday I was having lunch with a friend of mine, Seth Ellsworth and his wife Michelle.

I don’t remember exactly how the conversation got there but I was sharing with both of them how much trauma therapy has changed my life.

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I told them that in my high-level mastermind, where everyone’s business is at $3 million or more, trauma therapy and acknowledging trauma is a consistent conversation.

When someone in that group starts seeing a trauma therapist, it creates a predictable Excelerator in their business. It has almost always created a dynamic with the business goes from millions, to tens of millions.

Michelle asked me “what if someone in the mastermind doesn’t have trauma?”

I told her I’ve never seen an entrepreneur with a $3 million business that hadn’t also experienced severe trauma.

There’s two types of entrepreneurs, those who have acknowledged their trauma and those who are unaware or in denial.

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