Mar 31, 2023
As an entrepreneur leading a team, it's common to feel
overwhelmed with a never-ending to-do list and a sense of dread
about each day's tasks. You might even experience what I call the
"quitting fantasy," where you consider shutting down your business
and doing something else.
However, as entrepreneurs, we have a drive and compulsion to be in
momentum and make things happen, so we rarely quit for good. The
reason for feeling trapped in this way might be due to our ego. We
tend to hold everything in and not ask for help, even when we need
it. This is because our ego, which is there to protect us, can
sometimes overprotect us and prevent us from being vulnerable with
those around us. As a result, we don't get the help we need, which
leads to overwhelm and the quitting fantasy.
In this podcast, I will teach you how to overcome this. we need to
step into vulnerability and be transparent with our team, friends,
and family about how we're feeling and what we need help with.