Oct 31, 2017
Only 3% of businesses ever get to $1 million in annual gross sales. If you have achieved this already you are in the minority, it takes a lot to get a business over a million dollars…
You have to understand the value you are creating, understand your clients and the effect you can create with them, and then you can...
Oct 30, 2017
If you asked me just a few years ago if I knew how to meditate, I probably would have said no and changed the subject. My relationship with meditation started when I was in my early teens. It has been a them session of mine for most of my life but I never thought that I was actually meditating.
Sure I reached the levels...
Oct 28, 2017
This is one of my most effective coaching tactics when working with a new client. The challenge that almost every one of us has is that we are doing entirely too much tactical work. Most of us know it. We feel the drag of doing far too much each day that doesn't feel productive or...
Oct 27, 2017
When I'm coaching high-level entrepreneurs who are growing teams I have a phrase I share help them feel comfortable with growing their business “your business is broken and if things go well and always will be".
Far too many entrepreneurs expect their businesses to feel perfect, they beat themselves up over gaps or...
Oct 26, 2017
Only 3% of businesses will ever eclipse $1 million in gross revenue year. Only four out of 1000 businesses Will ever grow to over $10 million dollars a year. There is a reason. In order to grow foreword and get the help you need, you need to know what you're going. Most businesses work on a project by project...