Nov 30, 2017
Getting a business to $1 million is easier than it ever has been in the past. There is more leverage available to individual entrepreneurs today than any other time in human history. There is more leverage available to individual entrepreneurs then there ever has been. The marketing automation platforms available today...
Nov 29, 2017
Very few entrepreneurs actually set out to be punishing leaders. We want to grow successful teams, deliver amazing client results, and help the people around escrow.
We are driven to do more, be more, and create amazing outcomes in the world. We push ourselves harder than most and the people around us as hard as we push...
Nov 28, 2017
For most of my career, I have worked with a disproportionate number of women in executive in leadership positions. This probably has a lot to do with the way I was raised and the fact that I relate very well to women.
The relationships I've had with incredible female entrepreneurs throughout my career has shown me that...
Nov 26, 2017
Every entrepreneur I’ve ever coached has a tendency to make their lives uncomfortable. I want you to learn to recognize where you’re uncomfortable or you will put up with too much. I want to give you license to go through the people, the places, the things in your life and ask yourself are they giving you momentum...
Nov 25, 2017
The only reason your company is growing is because you have been able to attract a market or a group of clients. It is their belief in you an investment in your products that are allowing your company to exist at all.
A company that does not have a market to serve does not have a reason to exist. As the leader of your...