Aug 31, 2018
Have you been running so fast for so long that you’ve never stopped to think "how do I make my life easier?". As an entrepreneur, we have a hard time asking for help even though we need far more help than the average person to reach our full potential. I call this the entrepreneur's dilemma. It’s so much easier...
Aug 30, 2018
In the right context joint ventures, partnerships, affiliates, and endorsements can all be incredible but do your due diligence because list vampires are brutal. A list vampire will have a broad business opportunity for something very generic, they sell hope and dream products. If you are contacted by one of these...
Aug 29, 2018
Eat your own dog food, what does that even mean? When this phrase was first shared with me I had no idea! In essence, it means we must do on the inside everything we say on the outside. We have to apply everything we sell to other people. In my company and in my personal life this is something I follow obsessively. ...
Aug 28, 2018
If you're in a place right now where you're facing resistance and you feel like all the cards are stacked against you, congratulations! It means you're probably doing something right. Most people face the slightest bit of resistance and give up. Look for the light at the end of the tunnel and understand that this is...
Aug 27, 2018
The day you commit to a new coach you start envisioning your future, it becomes more important and it becomes exponentially more real. If you hire the wrong coach all of those dreams will come crashing down. To find the right coach for you, you need to determine where your pain points lie and inventory the pressure...