Nov 30, 2018
As an entrepreneur, one of the first places you'll overlook, ignore, or neglect is your personal life. You won't treat with a sense of urgency the things that seem minor but become so major when they're not taken care of. When your business is exploding and you become so busy all your energy goes to your family and...
Nov 29, 2018
Nov 28, 2018
If you're like me you expect a lot from your team and you want people working for you who are exceptional in their positions. If you have a strategic planning system in place and there's clear communication so your team can feel like they're winning, the best people that you have today are going to stick around. ...
Nov 27, 2018
Successfully starting a business requires you to do everything. So, successfully starting a business conditions you to do everything. The idea gets stuck in your head that to continue to be successful you must keep doing more and more yourself. The goal for you as an entrepreneur should be to offload where you can...
Nov 24, 2018
When I was younger I never realized how much information and help was out there for me. I wish I knew then, what I know now.