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Momentum for the Entrepreneurial Personality Type (EPT)

Aug 27, 2020

It has gotten far easier to make a profit online in the past four or five years.

There are incredible tools out there that are huge shortcuts.

When Cadey and I first started selling online you would be shocked at how much effort it took.

We had to hand-code websites, string together funnels, and everything was...

Aug 24, 2020

There is a serious problem in the coaching, experts, and information products industry. We all know it, but it seems like everybody’s afraid to talk about it.

It’s near impossible to understand who’s a real coach, who can get your results, and who is a fake.

This challenge is the credibility of everyone who is a...

Aug 20, 2020

Every time I get to interact with the members of our coaching programs, it is life-changing for me. And I don't just mean that moderately, it is a massively life-changing event for me. One of the things that come up over and over again when we coach our members and discuss our coaching as a team is energetics and the...

Aug 17, 2020

We have been conditioned by society to deny discomfort. We grew up in school, work, and social environments where expressing our discomforts would be threatened and penalized. But contrary to what you have been taught, if you learn to eliminate discomfort, you will feel more comfortable, supported, protected, and you...

Aug 13, 2020

One of the issues that we hear all the time from entrepreneurs is, my customers only want to deal with me.

This is one of the most limiting conditions you can have in your business. If people only want to deal with you, then the growth of your business is constrained by how much time you have. No one wants to have a...