Jul 29, 2022
As Visionaries, we must admit that we need more help than the average person to reach our desired outcomes. Changing the world is not a single-person project. The challenge for Visionaries is we often get into a loop of setting expectations, feeling let down, then feeling like we have to do it ourselves. There is a way...
Jul 22, 2022
There are two aspects to getting something done, the thing you are doing and the intention behind it. As entrepreneurs, we are better than most about getting things done. Accomplishment, even of little things, drives us and gives us momentum. When we create intention around what we are doing, we supercharge our...
Jul 15, 2022
Have you always had the feeling that you were different? Not like everyone else, maybe you or even the black sheep or the standout in your family that just doesn't think like the rest. If so, you and I have a lot in common. In this podcast, I share the preface of my book, The Entrepreneurial Personality Type, and...
Jul 8, 2022
You may not know this, but as entrepreneurs, we are predisposed to tolerate too much. If you are an Entrepreneurial Personality Type (EPT), tolerating too much will cause massive constraint in your life. We are physiologically sensitive momentum-based beings that are highly reactive to constraint. When we stop...
Jul 1, 2022
As an entrepreneur, one of the least intuitive things to do is make things easier on yourself. As we grow our business and things get more difficult, we do more to reach higher levels of success. Intuitively, it feels like the harder things are the better the business will do. The reality is the opposite. If your days...