Feb 22, 2023
Jordan Matthews is a high-profile attorney, former actor, and
author, “Failure: When You Have
Nothing, You Have Everything,” and this book may have very well
changed my life.
Jordan speaks very personally about grief and tragic personal
events, interwoven into an
incredibly successful professional career, and he...
Feb 22, 2023
Sometimes, life can be one big SHiTHOUSE, and that’s the title
of Lauren Dollie
Duke’s book, and this is one fascinating “I can’t put this down”
Lauren is a healer, educator, community activist, and writer who
talks about recovery
from generational trauma, because she’s been through it with...
Feb 8, 2023
Please welcome to our show famed pizza maker, entrepreneur, restauranteur, and author, Joe Farruggio, whose pizzas in the Georgetown section of DC are a favorite with some very famous residents in the White House to movie stars like Harrison Ford (who also played a U.S. President in one of his films).
Joe’s journey...