Mar 26, 2019
Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising joins Dolph for a session of career coaching. They share a lot of Amen! moments as they discuss strategies on everything from negotiating a great salary to making the world a better place for all of us.
Mazarine’s Book: Get the Job: Your Fundraising Career Empowerment Guide
Wild Social Media:
Wild Woman Fundraising:
Mazarine’s Art:
Mazarine Treyz:
*****Timestamped Highlights*****
(3:43) Stand out: Incorporate their cause with your personal story
(6:42) The game of reveal and conceal in your resume
(7:48) Navigating interview questions – tackling the expected and unexpected
(9:33) Tips for approaching (and deflecting) the salary question
(11:50) Mazarine shares resume writing tips
(13:14) Blind screening resumes – to help see the whole
(15:23) Start with your board
(17:59) Shareholder value is bullsh*t
(18:56) Staff love > donor love
(20:15) The effects of “intern pay” – the mindset of undercompensation
(23:51) Use your A.R.M.S. – and no, not not your limbs
(26:58) What to consider when negotiating your salary
(30:13) Hedonic treadmill – more, more, MORE!
(32:58) Setting time aside to do what you love
(36:25) Dolph is a five of diamonds