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Multifamily Legacy Podcast

Nov 28, 2017

Today’s show is going to be a shorter more introspective episode about how life and people work. I was never good at memorizing information for school or homework, but I have always been really good at solving problems. I was the person in our home who hooked up the VCR and set everything up to record.

I followed the instructions and figured things out. I feel like in life that is the thing that I have been able to do. When my kids come to me for help with things, I know that sometimes I have to step back and let them learn to solve their problems. How will they get good at problem solving without exercising that muscle? Today’s show is about the power of solving problems.

Topics on Today’s Episode:

  • How sometimes people stop learning after college. They stop doing things that invigorate their minds like reading books.
  • When you come across something that you don’t know how to do. Learn what it will take to learn how to do it.
  • You don’t need to be an expert in everything, but you need to know how to do a lot of things.
  • The greatest gift I have is always being able to figure things out.
  • People over complicate problems.
  • Instead of stressing take it step-by-step.
  • Don’t get handicapped by thinking you can’t do something. It’s fine to still hire an expert, but you need some general knowledge.
  • Use your brain and solve your problems. They don’t need to be solved overnight.
  • You can solve problems by just being curious and trying to figure things out.
  • LIfe can be the most inspiring and fulfilling experience, but you need to put yourself in a position to rise higher.
  • You can proclaim your greatness and have the cashflow life.
  • Go out and be the best you that you can be.

Links and Resources Mentioned:


“There is something insanely simple and rewarding about solving problems. Solving problems is CEO quality work.” Corey Peterson

“CEOs take problems that seem insanely complicated and solve them by giving people the motivation to solve the puzzle.” Corey Peterson

“When you want to say you can’t do it. I challenge you to say I can do it.” Corey Peterson

Don’t forget to download my Free Workshop Quickstart Video Series, and if you like what you have heard please leave a review on iTunes. On the next episode, I am going to give a quick shout out to some of my reviewers.