Oct 22, 2019
Forestwood Apartments in Slidell, LA, is an amazing property that I purchased. It generated cash flow from the beginning without a lot of work. Terry, the property manager, never went below 97% occupancy for three years. He knew every tenant’s name and got along with them. Then, citing the need for less stress, Terry resigned.
Today, I’m talking about the real stuff of multifamily investing. What you go through, emotions you experience, mistakes you make, and gaining growth from pain.
Topics on Today’s Episode:
Links and Resources Mentioned:
“If you’re not demanding a lot from your managers, you’re probably doing it wrong.” Corey Peterson
“We’re in the people business. We hire great people to run and manage great people and give them a home.” Corey Peterson
“The way you make lots of money in this business is that renewal retention rate.” Corey Peterson
“The squeaky wheel gets the grease. I wasn’t squeaky enough.” Corey Peterson
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