Sep 25, 2019
Entrepreneurs always have lots of ideas. They need someone by their side for the roller coaster ride of ups and downs. Being married to an entrepreneur isn’t the easiest thing in the world.
Today, we’re talking about relationships, especially because Shelley and I are celebrating our 17th wedding anniversary among...
Sep 17, 2019
How do you get investors? Grow your database? Build your brand? Let’s dive deep into the marketing aspect of apartment syndication.
Today, I’m talking to John Casmon, GP in more than $70 million apartment real estate and host of the Target Market Insights Podcast. Also, John’s the co-creator of the MidWest Real...
Sep 10, 2019
Everyone wants a place to call home, even if they buy or own it. They still have the same desires, wants, and needs of a homeowner—community, safety, and someone who cares.
Today, I’m talking to Bruce Wuollet of Bakerson’s about how to create community, assets that improve areas, and make money. Bakerson’s...
Sep 3, 2019
When raising money, make sure that you’re in full compliance to avoid jail-time. Don’t engage in illegal activity like Bernie Madoff to swindle investors and defraud them.
Today, I’m talking to Mauricio Rauld, who is a syndication attorney who does my private placement memorandums (PPMs). Mauricio guides us...