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RUF Alabama Podcast

Feb 14, 2025

What does God mean when he commands us to "honor the Sabbath"? What even is the Sabbath, maybe more importantly what isn't the Sabbath? Stew tackles these questions this week in his talk on the fourth commandment.

The scripture for this week is Exodus 20:1-2,

Feb 7, 2025

What does it mean to take the Lord's name in vain? Why does this commandment matter so deeply to us? And how does obeying this law actually actually draw us closer to God? Stew tackles all these questions this week in his talk on the third commandment.

The scripture this week is Exodus 20:1-2,

Jan 31, 2025

As Christians we believe we live in the "already-not-yet", a period of time after Jesus has died to save us from sin, but before he has returned to complete His work of sanctification. So what do we do when we don't want to wait, why does God even make us wait, and how can we learn to wait on the Lord? Stewart addresses...

Jan 24, 2025

What does God mean when he says to have "no other gods"? How could believing this possibly make us feel more free? How can we possibly obey such a law? This week Stew suggests that in accepting God's good limits we might experience freedom. In living by God's law, we counterintuitively experience emancipation to live...

Jan 17, 2025

This week Stewart examines the story of the Ten Commandments. Who is this God that gives us the law? What part to we play in this story? And how does the law counterintuitively set us free? The scripture this week is Exodus 20:1-2.