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Relationship Prescriptions with Dr. Carol

Apr 30, 2019

What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to you? Are you in the midst of it right now? Our world is full of things that are not OK and often we don't know how to handle it or help someone that's experiencing their worst day(s). 

In today's podcast, Dr. Carol unpacks what to do if you are hurting and things...

Apr 23, 2019

Girls and women are affected with pornography too. Today Dr Carol talks with Jessica Harris about her experience being addicted to - and finding freedom from - pornography addiction. They also talk about Jessica's recent marriage, and the issue that has been even harder for her and her husband to address than her past...

Apr 16, 2019

How do you invite God's intervention into your life? And why does mindset play a vital role in overcoming or maintaining health?

In today's episode, Dr. Carol is joined by board-certified neurosurgeon and medical missionary, Glenn Harper, MD to discuss faith, wellness and more.

Apr 9, 2019

The topic of sex has various perspectives that elicit strong opinions. But what does God say about it and how can your sexuality be submitted to Him?

In today's episode, Dr. Carol is joined by Matt and Laurie Krieg of Hole in My Heart Ministries to discusses sexuality and the Gospel, identity and their personal...

Apr 2, 2019

April is National Donate Life Month. Joining Dr. Carol is Lemuel Bradshaw to discussing how you can inspire others to provide hope through donor registration and living donations.

Find out more about Donate Life Month
Find out more about tissue and organ donation, and register to be a donor on your state's Donate Life...