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Relationship Prescriptions with Dr. Carol

May 28, 2019

Have you ever had God do a 180 on you? On today's episode, Chad and Julie Canon join Dr. Carol to share their story that included the adoption of their daughter and how their lives were transformed–in a good and surprising way. 


To get in touch with Chad or Julie Cannon, send Dr. Carol a message and she'll be glad...

May 21, 2019

Do you desire to experience God’s kind of life physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually? In today's special episode, Dr. Carol provides insight on how to do that as well as a new resource designed to help you live the way Jesus intended.




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May 14, 2019

If you've experienced a loss, there is a pathway to healing and hope. In today's podcast, Dr. Carol unpacks everything you need to know to work through the crises of faith and emotional hurt drawing from the scriptures and her own personal journey. 

Find The Christian's Journey Through Grief on Amazon, or wherever...

May 7, 2019

The apostle Paul declared Christians do not grieve in the same way as those who do not have hope (1 Thess. 4:13). But that doesn’t mean we don’t or shouldn’t grieve.  Dr. Carol is joined today by Drs. Sam and Brenda Chand as they discuss what exactly is a Christian’s grieving process, how to embrace God’s...