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Relationship Prescriptions with Dr. Carol

May 30, 2023

Marriage always takes work. But what happens when mental health struggles get added to the mix? How can both partners experience intimacy and goodness when things get messy?

In this eyeopening episode Dr. Carol talks with founder and president of The Veritas Creative, Jon Seidl and his wife, Brett, a business owner...

May 23, 2023

Loss is always possible when you love. But when emotional bankruptcy and loss happen repeatedly, regaining intimacy and love has even more challenges.

In today's episode Dr. Carol talks with Rachel Faulkner Brown who describes herself as emotionally bankrupt during her first two marriages which both ended in death and...

May 16, 2023

Behaviors matter. Sexual behaviors matter. But at least as if not more important are the underlying matters of the heart, such as broken needs for intimacy, isolation, and believing lies about the world, self, and God.

Maria Nistri, Dr. Carol's guest on the podcast today, serves as executive director of Exchange...

May 9, 2023

Many in the Christian church see singleness as a condition of deficit, focused on what a single person doesn't have. The culture and ministries of many churches give the subliminal message that marriage and children are a higher spiritual state than singleness. That's not a Biblical - or a historically...

May 2, 2023

Why does it matter that God created humans as sexual beings? What does that tell us about ourselves, and more importantly about God? How do we make sense of all the harm sex/sexuality has brought to many people in light of what God originally intended to be good?

In this deep and encouraging conversation Dr. Carol...