Jan 28, 2025
Do you feel loved? Do you feel loved by God? We
are all born looking for love - to be safely attached, seen, and
cared for. Our early stories usually mess that up. And for
Christians, that usually leads to disruptions between what we
"know" about God and our emotional connection with Him.
Michael John Cusick, licensed...
Jan 21, 2025
Dr. Carol believes, as many experts do, that it's a rare person indeed who has not experienced some form of sexual harm, whether obvious and severe, or more subtle and "normalized." You didn't wake up one day and decide to have sexual "issues," and behind your "issues" is almost always some dimension of experiencing...
Jan 14, 2025
Jan 7, 2025
What's the current state of affairs when it comes to sex and
sexuality - in culture, in the Christian church,
in your life? Dr. Carol shares a few statistics
- some hopeful, and some very sobering, and then quickly moves to
exploring your sexual story which may include the good, the bad,
and the ugly.
You'll also hear...
Jan 2, 2025
It's getting hot in here! In this short teaser you'll get a taste of what's coming up in a brand new season for Relationship Prescriptions. We're getting "deep in the weeds" in hot topics around intimacy, sexuality, and relationships. Topics such as sexual trauma, porn and marriage, spiritual abuse, intimacy...