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Relationship Prescriptions with Dr. Carol

May 28, 2024

Most people know sex trafficking exists. But you might imagine that's something "out there" and could never affect anyone close to you. And why would someone ever get hooked into that lifestyle? Why don't they just leave?

Dr. Carol's guest on this episode is Jasmine Grace Marino. As a former sex worker who now helps and advocates for others on the journey out of that lifestyle, she talks openly about the matters of the heart that are at play for those affected by sex trafficking, including the roles of addiction and pornography. And it's not hopeless; you'll hear the joy of working to help others experience freedom.

Connect with Jasmine Grace Outreach on their websiteFacebookTwitter, or Instagram.
Find Jasmine's book The Diary of Jasmine Grace: Trafficked. Recovered. Redeemed   

Check out Dr. Carol's new book Sexpectations: Reframing Your Good and Not-So-Good Stories About God, Love, and Relationships
And look around at all the supplementary resources at
Dr. Carol loves to hear from you. You can leave a confidential message here.