Jun 25, 2024
We often don’t get what we want and that is often a good thing. Desire—including sexual desire—can often be in disorder. Today’s follower of Jesus exist at a moment in history when our desires, longings, and wants are being weaponized against us by cultural, spiritual, and relational forces. “Follow your heart” and “You do you” has become our moment’s mantras. The result, for too many, is feeling torn asunder by the raging desires within. What do we do with our desire? What about our unwanted desires? And how do we cultivate desires which bring life and freedom and lead to Christ?
Author and educator, AJ Swoboda joins the podcast to discuss this and more on this thought provoking segment.
Connect with AJ Swodoba on his personal website, or on Facebook, or Instagram.
Find AJ’s book The Gift of Thorns: Jesus, the Flesh, and the War of Wants
Check out Dr. Carol's new book Sexpectations: Reframing Your Good and Not-So-Good Stories About God, Love, and Relationships. And find supplementary resources at YourSexpectations.com.
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