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Relationship Prescriptions with Dr. Carol

Oct 17, 2023

Who hasn't felt knocked down, held back, or left out? Perhaps you feel that way now. Whether your problems stem from your own choices and behaviors, or whether you've been harmed by others, there is a pathway back to goodness and a life full of purpose. That pathway involves cooperating with God in changing your mindset and taking positive action.

Kimberly Jones, better known as Real Talk Kim, talks with Dr. Carol on this episode about places in her life where she felt stuck, and how she changed her mindset and her actions in becoming the hugely successful person she is now. Hear important keys you can learn that will empower your own comeback regardless of how far down you feel now.

Connect with Real Talk Kim on her websiteFacebookTwitterInstagram, or Youtube.
Find her book You Gotta Get Up: Grab Hold of Your Life After Being Knocked Down, Held Back, and Left Out

Get Dr. Carol's free downloadable 7 Keys to Living Fully Alive
Dr. Carol loves to hear from you; you can leave her a confidential message here