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Relationship Prescriptions with Dr. Carol

Oct 31, 2023

Every marriage is the union of two sinners. And that sets every couple up for pain and disappointment. Most couples simply react to the stresses their marriage encounters, or don't think about it much until a crisis hits. Grace and intentionality can change all that.

On this episode Dr. Carol talks with Brad and Marilyn Rhoads about how their own marriage was desperately challenging in the beginning, and how grace change both of their hearts. They then address how grace impacts communication, sex, money, and more, and why a foundation of God's grace and being intentional is the only way a marriage can thrive.

Connect with Brad and Marilyn Rhoads at Grace MarriageFacebookTwitter, or Instagram.
Find their book The Grace Marriage: How the Gospel and Intentionality Transform Your Relationship

Check out Dr. Carol's resources on Relationships
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