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The Kristan Hawkins Show

May 28, 2020

Foster care is often a point of debate in the pro-life vs. pro-choice argument. As pro-lifers, it's pertinent that we understand what the foster care system is designed to do and what you can do as an individual to help foster children.

In this episode of Explicitly Pro-Life, Kristan speaks with two folks who have had...

May 21, 2020

In this special episode of Explicitly Pro-Life, Kristan invites Father Frank to set the record straight on the legacy Norma Mccorvey left. Since her passing, those who find it expedient, have smeared her integrity, trustworthiness, and questioned the real pain she faced from abortion.

May 15, 2020

Kristan Hawkins and Mary Vought discuss the challenges of raising children with CF and how the pro-life movement can support those with disabilities.

May 8, 2020

Listen to Kristan discuss why it's so important for students to get involved in the HISTORIC 2020 election! Featuring Billy Valentine, Vice President of Public Policy for Susan B. Anthony List & Mary Kate Knorr, Executive Director for Illinois Right to Life