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The Kristan Hawkins Show

Jan 15, 2025

Today, on The Kristan Hawkins Show, we are talking about a New York law you probably haven’t heard of, but need to know about. It forces private employers to pay for prenatal leave, which sounds great. But hold your horses because in New York, all roads lead to abortion. 


Secondly, with President Trump’s inauguration right around the corner, it’s time to look back and bid “good riddance” to the most pro-abortion president of our lifetime. We’re going to talk about the trash abortion legacy Joe Biden is leaving for the United States to clean up. History books are not going to look kindly on what has happened here over the last 4 years.  


And finally, there’s a free speech case you don’t want to miss happening in Texas – I have the “Sparknotes” version of what you need to know. I’m personally really excited to watch this unfold because it will have big implications on how our laws protect children.   


Make sure to subscribe and follow for more discussions like this. Let’s keep raising our voices and standing together for Life. 


Follow/Subscribe to The Kristan Hawkins Show:  @KristanHawkinsSFLA  






00:00 - 1:08 - Intro

1:08 - 10:43- NY employers must now offer 

paid medical leave during pregnancy

10:43 - 23:19 - Recapping Biden’s Damage In Presidency 

for pro-lifers & pre-born babies

23:19 - 30:50 - Coalition v. Paxton Case

30:50 - 31:58 - Conclusion