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The Kristan Hawkins Show

Apr 30, 2022

Did you know that about 1 in 4 women have had an abortion? The chances of you knowing someone who's had an abortion, whether they're vocal about it or secretive, are terrifyingly high. More and more women regret their choices and have pain & grief after their abortion. These women deserve support. Lisa Rowe saw...

Apr 27, 2022

Disney has always been about releasing our inner child with their movies and parks. They've encouraged imagination and adventure, but have you noticed that they seem to be pushing the limits more and more with a progressive agenda? It's no coincidence. Disney is trying to force their ideals on our children in every...

Apr 22, 2022

It's obvious that we need to take a stand to stop the abortion industry, and churches across the nation play a key role. Science proves that human life begins at fertilization, and since "Thou Shalt Not Kill" thus applies to the preborn as well, churches should be joining us on the frontlines of the fight...

Apr 15, 2022

We have all heard of the one child policy in China, but the reality of this policy's implementation has been swept under the rug. China is making it ILLEGAL to have more than one child to "save us from climate change," but they have taken this a step too far by bragging about murdering over 400 million babies? That...

Apr 13, 2022

The abortion industry's thirst for profit will always outweigh their concern, or lack thereof, for torturing babies and hurting women. Their latest push for no-test, online chemical abortion pills puts women at a major risk of irreversible damage. These pills will not only kill their children, but could also...