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The Kristan Hawkins Show

Aug 25, 2023

Here is your sign to go detox yourself!

Last week we replayed an older episode with Teresa Kenney (APRN-NP) where she discussed the negative effects of synthetic hormones in birth control pills on women's bodies. She discussed the long-term effects the pill has on our emotions, our personalities, our gut microbiome, AND...

Aug 18, 2023

People are waking up! It is becoming a more common understanding that synthetic hormones in birth control pills are dangerous for women's bodies because hormones affect every system in our bodies. We are finally learning the long-term effects the pill has on our emotions, our personalities, our gut microbiome, AND EVEN...

Aug 11, 2023

Hormonal birth control can NOT ONLY act as an abortifacient, but it has become a crutch for doctors to dismiss women's actual medical issues. Ultimately, birth control is marketed as a lie, that it is "good" for women's overall well-being.

"Poplitics" Host, Alex Clark, has done an amazing job talking about the science...

Aug 4, 2023

A common accusation from pro-abortion advocates is that the pro-life movement does not care for babies or women after birth. Well, on this episode that claim is completely shattered as a woman tells her story about how Students for Life's resource initiative connected her to hope & help at MiraVia. MiraVia provides...