Apr 6, 2020
In episode 50 of the SPAITGIRL TALK SHOW PODCAST with Yvette Le Blowitz
I catch up with our very special guest:
Tunteeya Yamaoka, The Ikigai Psychologist
To find out things that we can do to help cope better during the World Pandemic and Crisis, during these very challenging COVID19 times in this podcast episode you can learn more about:
How to mentally and emotionally process Anixety and Uncertainty
What is Empathy and Practicing Empathy can help improve the way you feel
How to Reach out and ask for Help
How to express how you are truly feeling instead of bottling it up and pretending everything is ok
How to Keep yourself Mentally Healthy throughout a global crisis
How to Stay Positive even if the news is continually negative
How to grow and develop even if you have to stay home
Things to think about should the situation in your country or community worsen self care steps you can put in place now before the crisis peaks
How to stay connected so you don't feel isolated and all alone when working from home.
Plus we talk openly about so much more.
A very big thank you to Tunteeya Yamoka, The Ikigai Psychologist who is a regular contributor to the SPAITGIRL TALK SHOW PODCAST for giving up her valuable time to help you and the rest of our #spaitgirl community and audience too.
I truly hope that tuning into this weeks #spaitgirl podcast show was of help during this global pandemic.
If you would like to ask any questions or have a podcast show suggestion please send your email through to info@spaitgirl.com or DM the Spa it Girl instagram podcast page @spaitgirl to let us know.
Follow our very special guest Tunteeya Yamaoka, The Ikigai Psychologist at www.ikigaipsychology.com.au
and instagram @ikigai_psychology
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