Dec 13, 2017
Natasha Bure is one inspirational chick. At the ripe age of 19, she’s got 100s of thousands of subscribers on YouTube, Instagram and Twitter, and has such a strong head on her shoulders. Did we also mention she’s an author? Her book Let’s Be Real, was released earlier this year and covers everything from acne to...
Dec 6, 2017
Jenna Birch is a force to be reckoned with. Originally from Ann Arbor, Michigan, Jenna wanted to be a writer since the third grade. Since she’s pursued journalism and writing full-time, Jenna has had bylines in magazines such as Teen Vogue, Cosmo Magazine, Yahoo and more. Jenna and Alexa met at the Talkspace...
Nov 29, 2017
Back in 2015, Cycle 22 of America's Next Top Model premiered on The CW on August 5th. If you’ve never watched America's Next Top Model - Tyra Banks rose to fame when she started a show that enabled young models to have the chance to get industry connections and modeling contracts without having to be “scouted."...
Nov 15, 2017
You may know Kimberly J. Brown from the hit movie series Halloweentown that first premiered in 1998. Since the premiere, Kimberly has appeared in three Halloweentown movies, and has starred in tons of other hit shows along the way. She’s 32, and has been in the industry since she was 6 years old, performing,...
Nov 8, 2017
This week, we talked to Sophie Elgort about photography and avoiding the overwhelming social media noise when making a career for yourself. Sophie Elgort is an award winning photographer, daughter to famous photographer Arthur Elgort, and sister to Ansel Elgort. Born and raised in NYC, Sophie attended Brown...