Nov 28, 2018
Besides being Ansel Elgort’s girlfriend (swoon) Violetta is a sophisticated ballerina who is incredibly talented. She's also got a casual 1 million + following on Instagram. We interviewed her in NYC a month ago and we already made plans to go to hot yoga when I’m next in the city- she’s getting trained to be a...
Nov 21, 2018
50 EPISODES OF THIS IS LIFE UNFILTERED! Wow! I can't believe I still get as giddy filming a new episode as I did the first episode that I ever filmed. The past 50 weeks have been monumental in my career: I picked up, subletted my beautiful 1 bedroom apartment in Boston and headed to Los Angeles to hopefully get some...
Nov 14, 2018
We live in a world where we have access to everything instantly: need a car? Grab an Uber. Need a meal? Postmates is where it's at. Need a date? Yep, Bumble, Tinder, or The League are reliable options. Best part? If you aren't in the mood, you don't even have to pick up the phone and cancel your date. Amanda Bradford,...
Nov 7, 2018
One of my favorite parts of my job is having the chance to speak to people around the globe: whether it's a celebrity, a kid or a seriously cool adult, I learn so much after listening to someones story. I've got Devin Bushey on this week: a 23-year-old from Springfield, MA who is currently enrolled in college and...