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St. Augustine's Chapel at Vanderbilt

Aug 18, 2019

There are hindrances on the spiritual lives that can slow our progress that in themselves may not be sins. We benefit from life inventories—from gathering our thoughts on what we are doing—that could be slowing us down spiritually. What behaviors prevent me from running the race that is set before me? Sermon begins...

Aug 12, 2019

Consider learning to set our hearts on Jerusalem; on a love so big that it helps us to love this world in even bigger ways. You can be courageous, you can walk in greater meaning, and you can be a bold and generous lover of this world. Sermon begins at 13:50. 

To Consider

Aug 12, 2019

Consider learning to set our hearts on Jerusalem; on a love so big that it helps us to love this world in even bigger ways. You can be courageous, you can walk in greater meaning, and you can be a bold and generous lover of this world. Sermon begins at 13:50. 

Aug 6, 2019

Moving toward the gifts that are ours to share with the world. Sermon begins at 14:10, preacher is Mr. Tom Angland.