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St. Augustine's Chapel at Vanderbilt

Jan 28, 2020

St. Paul wrote the letter of 1 Corinthians as a wake-up call about the inevitable divisions that can, and will, rise when over-inflated egos go unchecked. But not only did St. Paul spot the problem (being too full of ourselves), he recommended another way, namely, the way of the cross. Sermon begins at 14:33.

Jan 22, 2020

Home is in part where we have been, but it is mostly where we are going, and where it is we can love one another and break bread. We long for community as the deer long for the water brooks. We get glimpses. These glimpses are the Beloved Community that Dr. King preached about. He knew that home would come when we stick...

Jan 13, 2020

What we need to take from Ah-Ha, Epiphany moments are this:
  1. People go out seeking them—they rarely find you. 
  2. No matter how much you prepare—its still a surprise.
  3. People never go back the same after having an epiphany. 
  4. Epiphanies always involve the community. They cannot be individual. Our journeys cannot be in...

Jan 6, 2020

Epiphany is a manifestation, its an appearance, its the act of showing up. The magi show up with gifts—even Herod showed up—but afraid. How do you show up? What kinds of manifestation does the Christ child bring to us? Showing up in a different way contrary to the way of power is a radical call and it is the call we...