Feb 23, 2021
Why did Jesus have the experience he did and then go to the wilderness? We talk a lot in this space about community. Lent is an invitation to remember the gifts of loneliness and community, and its where all the saints before us have traveled. When you start a whole new community--but you have to begin with yourself....
Feb 15, 2021
When good things happen, it is natural to want to stay and linger. God responds to this group of people saying that Jesus is the Son of God. This isn't an end to their experience--its instead that mountain highs are provided so we can have valley glows. We see a people go from wanting to app this experience for...
Feb 8, 2021
There is a rhythm of what we need to do and how we need to do it on the path of discipleship. A pandemic is no time to quit this. We pivot like ballerinas and we keep going! We cannot quit now. Your rhythm is to actually do the work. Sermon begins at 7:00.
Feb 2, 2021