Apr 26, 2021
In the Bible, angels are present in Genesis, through the New Testament, and in the birth and death of Jesus. Typically not seen wih the naked eye, they are pointing, shepherding, and whispering in the deep silence. How can we best cooperate with our angel? We can no more make our angel leave us, any more than we can...
Apr 19, 2021
What does it mean to have your heart burning when divine love is walking beside you, but you can't recognize the face of God? What does it mean to have burning desire? We keep the faith, we keep hoping, we keep desiring. Sermon begins at 8:50.
Apr 12, 2021
Jesus gives us a lesson in caring for the trauma of those left behind--including ourselves. Our question for today is: Have you been resurrected? Jesus reminds us to pursue empathy and healing for our lives. Sermon begins at 10:54.
Apr 7, 2021
You are the sermon! You are the sign of hope and resurrection in this world, and you bring a message of joy. Becca shares a poem about Easter and the wildflowers. Sermon begins at 11:24.