Dec 28, 2014
Let Light Shine: Giving Grace and Walking into It Ourselves. Sermon begins at 12:00.
Dec 21, 2014
Becoming Faces of Love: Elizabeth as preacher of solidarity. Sermon begins at 12:57. Children's Pageant begins at 46:50.
Dec 14, 2014
Lessons & Carols service was not recorded due to a technical glitch. However, let us take you back in time to January 16, 2006 to listen to Becca's FIRST ever podcast: Please God, Let It Snow.
Dec 7, 2014
Religious But Not Spiritual? This mantra keeps us accountable for our faithfulness without always being inspired. Hungry people don't care if you're inspired or not to feed them. We often have to dig deeper than a feeling. Sermon begins...
Nov 30, 2014
An Army of Love Does Not Lose. Remain Hopeful, Jesus is Near. Sermon begins at 16:45.