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The Teaching Your Toddler Podcast

May 31, 2024

What's so SAD about the Standard American Diet? Well, just about everything!

In this amazing episode, Zen Honeycutt from Moms Across America will tell you everything you need to know about the horrible things going on with the food supply from some of your favorite restaurants. 

From pollution and chemicals, to...

May 28, 2024

Maybe you've heard of equine therapy but have you heard about "Cow Hug" therapy? Did you know that cows are matriarchal and take care of each other in birth, life and death?

We can all learn a thing or two about society, how to take care of each other and about a different way to heal from these amazing animals -...

May 26, 2024

Maybe you've heard this word "codependency" but you don't really know what it means. In this very important episode, Teaching Your Toddler's Marijo Tinlin talks with Dr. Frieda Birnbaum, research psychologist, psychoanalytic therapist, author and podcaster - also known as "Dr. Frieda" about what exactly that means.
