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The Teaching Your Toddler Podcast

Dec 18, 2019

Florence Ann Romano

In this very special episode of Teaching Your Toddler, today host and founder Marijo Tinlin interviews Florence Ann Romano, also known as the Windy City Nanny.

In this episode, you will hear Romano's experience as a nanny, which began at age 11 when she started as a "Mommy's helper," as well as her thoughts about ways to raise kids without relying on technology.

Romano is an author, philanthropist and web series star/host of the YouTube show Windy City Nanny, which premiered August 21st, 2019. 

She has also released a book called Nanny and Me, which is a children's book to help kids make the transition from being cared for by parents to having a nanny.

(There are some small issues with the audio interview - I've tried to clean it up but I apologize for this in advance).

Find her on social media at:





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