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How C*m

Sep 30, 2023

Last week Samantha Jones' brief orgasm drought inspired us to talk about menopause-- even though that is not what caused *her* drought. But Cumpanions have been vying for a menopause episode for a WHILE and it's finally here! We chat with stand up comedy veteran and creator of "Funny Women of a Certain Age" Carole Montgomery about being a woman of a certain age; barriers, breakthroughs, how menopause went for her, all the symptoms that can come with menopause, how to deal with it, and the fact that sex lives DO NOT STOP after 50. We also talk about the Golden Girls and the OG Samantha, Blanche Devereaux and how her first orgasm was allegedly after menopause (shocking!) and how that could possibly be a real thing. 


Get the cooling blanket that Carole sugguested here!

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