Feb 25, 2019
The Mothman is far and away the most famous cryptid to hail from the great state of West Virginia. but, just twelve years earlier in the waning days of the summer of 1952, a group of courageous boys and one mother would have a harrowing encounter with a massive monstrosity so bizarre that, by century’s end, it was...
Feb 17, 2019
Near the end of the 1950s – in the wee hours of a bitter January morning – a devoted mother was driving through a violent snowstorm in order to visit her son. Although the visibility was near zero, she managed to catch sight of a piece of technology that was beyond her understanding and, what’s worse, she also...
Feb 11, 2019
For one New York couple, what began as a romantic evening to be spent marveling at one of nature’s most magnificent wonders transformed into one of the weirdest, and potentially alarming, cryptid encounters on the books; an event that would forever change the way these eyewitnesses would look at the skies.
Feb 4, 2019
In the twilight of the 19th Century the citizens of a small Indiana town would be assailed by a bizarre, airborne beast that would not only terrify eyewitnesses but cause to believe that the end of the world was nigh.
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