Nov 27, 2023
This little blue orb we call home is chock-full of anomalous aquatic animals. According to published reports, 94% of the world's living species live underwater and 91% of those have yet to be discovered, described or cataloged. Today we offer a sample platter of the evidently endless paranormal parade that makes up this...
Nov 20, 2023
One of the most bizarre phenomenons to hit the paranormal arena in recent years are run-ins with pale, cadaverous, crawling humanoids who are nocturnally stalking not only the remote wooded areas one might expect, but also the once safe suburbs and even desolate city streets; forcing one to wonder if we might be...
Nov 13, 2023
In 2008, a young, Chicago athlete was struck by a series of wracking chest pain. After being rushed to the hospital, the high school student’s biggest fears were the end of his basketball career and the surgery he’d have to undergo. But after just one night in this hospital from hell—during which the teenager...
Nov 6, 2023
Two Cryptonaut Podcast listeners, inspired by hearing past episodes, realized that they’d had similar paranatural experiences to those discussed. The first, reported a near—and potentially sinister—contact with the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Council… the second had a run-in with one of the most enigmatic...