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Oct 28, 2024

Slithering up from the viscous muck, we have a pair of curious accounts involving off-the-wall (and as yet unclassified) tentacle-bearing beasts, who were not, as one might expect, discovered by marine biologists in the briny depths, but found squirming in an industrial sludge pit as well as a hand dug cistern, both of...

Oct 21, 2024

The world we live in is an extraordinary place full of wild wonders and odd events so strange they leave us questioning our place in the universe… but on the fringes of these already nebulous realms are anomalous entities that are so guano caliber nuts, even the most open minded  paranormal enthusiast will...

Oct 14, 2024

According to scores of eyewitnesses, distinctly humanoid entities can be found anywhere from the vast, dense swathes of forests connecting Canada and the U.S. to cruising the cosmos in extraordinarily advanced interstellar vehicles. But, for all of the many mythologies dealing with these quasi-human beings, one that...

Oct 11, 2024

The wild spaces of our world are filled with myriad dangers that most of us are all-too familiar with; even if it's mostly from afar. But for even the most intrepid trekkers, there are things lurking in the unspoiled wilds that not only defy expectations… but leave those who’ve encountered them questioning the very...

Oct 7, 2024

A familiar fixture in nearly every room of the modern house, television has forever changed the way we interact with each other and the world around us. But as profound—and arguably negative—as these alterations have been, they pale before the truly terrifying interactions that some claim to have had with an array...