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Jeffery Combs - GMS Podcast

Sep 26, 2012

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1. Your habits determine your focus. 2. Focus is a good habit (skill). Being unfocused leads to procrastination. 3. The reasons you are unfocused: A. Overwhelmed B. Focus contradicts your struggle C. Being focused is a responsibility D. You couldn't rebel or procrastinate 4. Narrow your focus. 5. Clearly defined...

Sep 24, 2012

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1. Feeling Overwhelmed 2. Why you do what you do 3. The Transformation A. Low Highs B. High Lows 4. Eliminate Resentment / Guilt 5. Silence the Chatter 6. Change your Self Talk / Change your Language 7. Your dialogue with money. Your dialogue with receiving and deserving 8. Developing the skills, habits and mindset of...

Sep 12, 2012

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Q: Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, John Maxwell, Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen & Og Mandino all have what in common?

Kyle Wilson KYLE WILSON, is the founder of multiple personal development projects and companies including founder of Jim Rohn International in 1993 and in 1998.

He has promoted hundreds of seminar...

Sep 11, 2012

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1. What is accountability? The ability to account for your actions. 2. Accountable A. All employees are held accountable on a job. B. It is up to you to be accountable in a new business. 3. Why is accountability a challenge for most of society? A. Conditioning - we get used to being told what to do by parents,...