Mar 26, 2014
1. Releasing anxiety and worry 2. Creating inner calm 3. Reacting
vs. Responding 4. 40 million Americans are diagnosed with chronic
anxiety disorders. 4 million regularly use tranquilizers. 5.
Letting go of control 6. Letting go of being right 7. Neutralizing
the feelings that keep me addicted to my pain! 8. Cause and...
Mar 19, 2014
Who is Susan Sly? Only the highest paid woman in Network Marketing!
If you are ready to take your life and your business to the next
level, and achieve success beyond your wildest dreams, you deserve
to connect with Susan on our MHT Call!! Susan Sly is a Network
Marketing Millionaire, a Mompreneur, Speaker, Author,...
Mar 12, 2014
1. Habits shape your life 2. Why we have bad habits (Events) 3. Do
you have habits that hinder you 4. To transform you must transform
your habits 5. The top habits that hinder 1. Procrastination 2.
Addictions - Cigarettes - Food - Alcohol 3. Accruing debt 4. Be
Late 6. I want to change but I don't know how, I've...
Mar 5, 2014
1. What separates average people from exceptional people 2. Winning
is an attitude 3. Winners set clearly defined short term goals and
achieve them 4. Winners are driven, They are committed to winning
5. Winners are not winners, They live in the solution 6. Winners
pay the price and are self motivated, self inspired...